Title: Better than Biscuits Author: Farfalla the Butterfly-Kitten Email:
blueberrysnail @ yahoo.com Codes: S/Mc, K/Mc, K&S drabble Rating: PG Summary: Part 2 of the McCoy the Jolly Bigamist drabble
At 0630, Dr. Leonard McCoy was completely asleep. At 0631, he awoke to find
himself encased in a blanket of naked male flesh. Surrounded from all sides, he smiled lazily.
"Morning, Bones,"
said Jim into one ear.
"Happy birthday," said Spock into the other.
“Very well-coordinated, gentlemen,”
McCoy murmured sleepily.
“We planned it in a meld,” Jim explained.
“So you would not be
likely to overhear,” Spock added, tightening his embrace.
"If this is my present, I think I like it," said
McCoy with a grin.
Jim grinned and he wiggled his body appetizingly "We call it a breakfast sandwich."