Title: Book Store Series: TOS Author: Sorlak Rating: G (All right, there's one tiny kiss.) Subject: Spock
and McCoy in a book store. McCoy reading a comic book Challenge: Write a story with superheros. Thanks: Thanks Tempest!
(Hopes for a really long challenge out of the machine next.) Disclaimer: Paramount owns it, not I. Though I bring out
the boys so they can have some fun too.
********** Book Store
"Leonard, What are you reading?" Spock
said as he looked down at the old comic book McCoy was flipping though.
"One of my favorite old comic books Spock.
It just reminds me of when I was a kid."
"I see no reason why there should be so many illustrations. One's imagination
should be sufficient to provide the images"
"Spock, some kids that read these might not be able to read well, but
that's not the important part."
"What is it then?"
"For me, it's the super heros."
"What is a super
"I suppose they don't have those on Vulcan. A super hero is a person, real or fiction that seems larger
than life. Everything that he does is for other people, he's well known and often popular. Sometimes they have abilities
very different from most humans."
Spock stayed silent, absorbing the information.
"I suppose you could also
consider a super hero a role-model." McCoy said as they sat down in a couple of chairs in the book store.
suppose there might be one 'super hero' known to Vulcans..." Spock said.
"Who Spock?"
might be to you, but there's one you left out."
"You." McCoy said as he kissed him before getting up
to pay for the comic book.
**** END ****