Kirk convincing McCoy to admit he (McCoy) is in love with Spock. Written for a Language
Arts assignment, I swear to the gods this is not a lie. It was fairly open-ended: Write a poem. :P Indentation is McCoy speaking,
if you couldn't figure that out from the words. Warning: Written over half a year ago. Rating: G (I think...) Beta:
Listen to me
If you know something's there, Why pretend you don't care? You know you're in love; why
deny it? It's the truth; why defy it? Listen to me, Len.
It'll do you more harm than good, pretending your
heart's made of wood. Just admit it to yourself or a friend. Your heart isn't rock. Just sit down and talk.
a doctor. You know Denial's a dangerous foe. Almost worse than depression, Though a short confession Might set
you right again.
Now that I think, Confession might put you on the brink. You think he doesn't care, But,
oh, you're so wrong. Right now, I won't play along.
I'm your friend, but I'm his too, And what I'm saying is
He's as much on edge as you are. This façade is going too far.
Okay, I'll bite. I'll tell you why
I fight. I know you're right, it's just... For me, secrecy's a must. I can't deal with this, I can't!
a doctor. I know Denial's a dangerous foe. But if I confess, Jim, I'll be depressed over him, Unless he feels
the same for me.
I tell you, he does, Bones. Even though his emotions are largely unknowns, I can read him like
I can read you, And I can tell he loves you too. I'm sick and tired of your stubbornness!
Alright, I'll go and
talk. I'll confess my love to Mr. Spock.